So I came across this cartoon the other day on Facebook and it had me laughing all day long ...

Seriously! Isn't that the truth?! I gave up day time showers when the kids arrived and now only shower at night after everyone is asleep. As I was uploading and looking through pictures from the last few weeks I came across a few pictures that portray what our home really looks like most days. The first is a picture that was taken post-bath one night. I was feeling ambitious enough to make muffins (we've been making some changes to Amelia's diet, more on that later) so I've been experimenting with recipes. Scott was picking up after baths and when he found the three of us in the kitchen he starting laughing at the scene. Luke had pulled out every single ziplock bag he could find and Amelia had emptied the snack shelf of EVERYTHING. They were content and happy playing so I kept doing my mixing and didn't think anything of it until Scott found us in a state of semi-disaster :) The second picture is of our living room now that the kids have decided that the couch cushions look better on the floor (and make for easier fort building and jumping!) After almost two years of motherhood (certainly nowhere near long enough to be offering any advice) I've decided that for us it's all about balance. Most things in life are. If I tried to keep everything tidy and orderly I'd make myself crazy and be so much less present with my little ones. Their childhood is going too fast as it is! But I'm also a type-A person (like it or not) and it's hard for me to have things in a state of total chaos for too long. It's a balancing act between what needs to get done and what I need to let go of. I'll let you know when I figure out how to do that. Don't expect an update any time soon!
I've been thinking a lot about creating rhythms in our home. Life with littles is monotonous (which I think parents have more trouble with than kids!) -- most days look pretty much like the day before did and the next one will. It's easier now that they're getting older to get out more and we've been enjoy trips to the library, park, play dates. But more often than not, our days and our routines run together in my mind. I've decided that's okay. The kids THRIVE on routine -- they crave it, they love it, they need it. What an opportunity for us, as parents, to create rhythms that are sacred. Rhythms of prayer and worship and relationship. Okay, enough of my random ramblings and current thoughts on motherhood ...
Happy Thanksgiving! We went to our annual Sunday-before-Thanksgiving dinner tonight. My parents have had this dinner every year for 43 years now (speaking of traditions and routines!) They rent a place and have a potluck style dinner with probably 75-100 people. Yes, my parents have more energy at 60 than I have in my 20's. No joke! It was so fun to see the kids racing around and laughing and playing at the same dinner that I grew up going to. I love how much joy and life children add to gatherings. I didn't take a single picture there since I was too busy chasing them :)