Some glimpses of our life this week ... the kids absolutely loved their new teacher at preschool and have been playing school at home and taking turns being "Teacher Donna" -- so cute.
We had to raise their bikes up the the highest level which gave me a moment of mommy panic -- who are these old children and what happened to my babies?!
We got to celebrate the birthdays of our dear friend Aven, who is now four and my mama, who is now 61.
This age feels so FUN to me. They are just so inquisitive and curious and interested and engaged.
I don't think there will be another phase of life where I will feel so pulled and stretched and tired -- that is what parenting and work and relationships and the balance of it all does to you. But I also don't think I will ever again feel as purposeful or fulfilled ... what a gift to be shaping and shaped by and loving on and loved by these two little people. Every single night Amelia asks for "the story where me and Lukey were babies in your tummy" and so every night it's part of our ritual that I lay in bed next to her and give her a back rub and sing her her songs ("Jesus loves me" and "You are my sunshine") and then tell her the 3-year old version about how she and Lukey were babies in mommy's tummy. She hears about how mommy had to lay down for a very long time. She knows that she was teeny tiny when she was born but she was strong and God took care of her. She knows that she and her brother are incredible gifts that we didn't deserve but got to parent anyway. She knows she is loved forever.
These two will need new big kid bikes soon! |
Will miss our after dinner walks when it starts getting dark at 4pm! |
Wrestling! |
Our dear "Maryman" as the kids call her :) |
Happy birthday, Aven! |
Happy birthday, Mama! |