It's hard to sum up what a day with these two is like right now. There are such high highs and low lows when you share your life and your days with two toddlers. So many moments of such joy and exploration and excitement. And so many moments of irrational tantrum throwing craziness. We were THAT family today -- you know, the frazzled looking mom carrying two screaming kids to the car and creating quite a scene. The kids had a great time at their tumbling class and it's right by a playground so it made sense (because packing kids up is half the battle) to let them run around for awhile and play while it wasn't raining. Apparently I overshot the window (such a delicate window it is) and ended up with two overly tired and hungry kids (guess the bunny crackers weren't enough to make it to lunch time). The problem is that they're SO STRONG anymore that it's almost impossible for me to carry them both (with a purse and dance bag) to the van when they're in full on tantrum mode. So I was half dragging, half carrying them across the park. Yep, Mom-of-the-year. This is why my advice to new moms is this: don't do it alone. It's the most meaningful, difficult, amazing, crazy, beautiful, exhausting thing you will ever do and you NEED other mamas to walk through it with. I feel so blessed to have the preschool co-op we're a part of. It makes me realize that much of what I both enjoy and struggle with in parenting is NOT JUST ME. We all have good phases and bad phases, we all show up some days wearing one step (barely) above our PJs because it was all we could do to get ourselves AND our children ready, we've taken turns crying, we've gotten to watch one another's kids piece together new concepts and learn new ideas ... We have loved each other's children and that is a precious gift. I am thankful -- especially after days like today. I am not alone on this crazy journey called motherhood.
Because every 3-year old boy needs a leotard :) |
Tumbling class! |
When Valentines Day explodes (in the form of stickers) all over your table! |
Excited to garden with these two this year! They LOVE watching their seeds grow. |
Fun to watch them take responsibility of their plants (well, in a 3-year old sort of way) |