Amelia: Sis has become fascinated with all things girl right now. (When you ask her what her name is she still says, "Sissy!" and only if you ask her what her "other name" is will she say, "Amelia Jane Coyle!") She notices the color of every woman's fingernails and toenails (and wants hers painted on a daily basis), she picks out her own clothes (usually tights, a tutu and one of several butterfly shirts), she asks every day if she and I can have a "special girl date"? (Today our "special girl time" was that she went in the jogger while I ran and then we played at the park together ... really not that exciting but she loved it and she is so well behaved when it's just the two of us. Fills her little love tank right up!). She soaks up one-on-one time. Soaks it up. She loves art. Passionately. We do a "painting project" most days. She likes anything that has to do with cutting, pasting, painting, beading ... I took her to Michael's the other day when I was prepping to teach coop and she went nuts! The girl loves dogs. When we were visiting my sister last month Amelia cried when we left. Why? Because she missed Samantha! She dresses up Molly and pushes her around in her shopping cart (that dog has become infinitely more patient in the last three years), she walks around the house saying, "Come back, Fuzzy! It's okay! I won't hurt you! I be soft! Molly, you want a pink bow or a yellow bow?" It's hilarious! Amelia is feisty and strong and independent and beautiful and I love being her mama.
Lukey: Luke might be the most articulate three year old I've ever known. The kid tells stories that are so intricate and detailed it is amazing. He doesn't have much sense of time yet so every story starts with "Last morning ..." So he'll say, "Mom, last morning I was a baby in your tummy!" Or "Mom, last morning Caroline and me were playing outside!" Whether something happened yesterday or years ago it is, "Last morning". One of my favorite Luke moments recently went like this:
Luke: "Mom, what's a mooney pack?"
Me: "Umm, I don't know. Like something an astronaut wears?"
Luke: "No mom, like I love you to the mooney pack!"
Me: "Oh! I love you to the moon and back!"
But now it's like an inside joke between he and I and every night at bedtime he laughs and says, "Mom! I love you to the mooney pack!"
Luke is a gardener like his dad. He asks me every morning if his plants are thirsty and if they need their drink now. His favorite toy is Buddy, his beloved dump truck that goes everywhere (yes, even to bed) with him. He still loves to be read to. I treasure the hours that we spend snuggling and reading books. The kid can eat. I've never seen hunger meltdowns like the ones Luke can have. Get the kid food NOW. Like five minutes ago. Sometimes I feel like all I do in a day is prep food or snacks for Luke. Pretty sure he's going to be as tall or taller than his dad. (I still do smoothies as part of our daily morning routine because I can pack them full of hundreds of calories in seconds and not start out day out with two screaming kids.) He loves to swim! My parents have started taking the kids swimming on the weekends and Luke talks about it often. I'm excited to get them both in swim lessons this summer. Luke is kind-hearted and funny and loves to rough house. He loves making up voices and acting out stories and will talk about trucks and every aspect of them for days on end. It is such a joy to be his mama.
Luke and Amelia are in separate rooms now. I pictured them sharing rooms for much longer but their sleeping patterns are different (Luke is an early riser and then takes an afternoon nap and Amelia sleeps in but doesn't nap) and we were ending up every day with two super grumpy kids because they weren't getting the sleep they needed. This arrangement is working out so well for everyone. This morning Amelia (since she didn't get woke up early but Luke) slept in until 9am! What?! Luke was up early (6-ish) but then napped from 1-4pm. I wish they had the same schedule so I'd either have mornings to be productive/have some alone time or afternoons but the nice thing with this set up is that the kids are so much less grumpy (a win all the way around!) and I get alone time with both of them every day.
I am very much looking forward to this summer! We're taking our first camping trip with them, have a trip planned at the coast with dear friends, a college roommate reunion and a family reunion to look forward to. Sharing life with these two gives such a richness to seasons and celebrations and adds so much joy to our lives. We are thankful.
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These two passionate strong-willed girls: sometimes dear friends and sometimes definitely NOT. This was a good day :) |
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Yep -- polka dot tights, dress and helmet! Riding in style! |
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Mother's Day! I worked, which I don't mind (reminds me to be thankful every day for the lives and health of my kids) but was so sweet to come home in time for some snuggles and stories. |
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Spraying (tormenting) her brother :) |
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Payback! |
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Lukey: "Look mama, it's a Daddy-size cone and a Lukey-size cone!" |
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SuperGrandma!!! |
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Sissy and Marisa! She loved having a girls day! Gretch and I drove down to visit Michelle and her girls. What fun! |
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Love these two. |