Luke at four is delightful and curious and emotionally driven and hilarious. He has always been my child that loves to be close -- his favorite thing to do is still to snuggle and read book after book after book. He is amazingly inquisitive. He is also my up-with-the-sun (dang) kid. So interactions at 6am look something like this: "Mom, did dinosaurs go pee? Mom, are your teeth stronger than my teeth since you're older? Mom, where were me and sissy before we were in your tummy? Mom, are Spiderman and Batman are friends?" And I'm thinking, "Ummm, can I just have my tea first and then we can talk about all of these things and more?" Scott and I often laugh at the randomness and the depth of his questions. He understands the world through story and through words. His memory is incredible -- he often brings up tiny details of stories or events that happened months or even over a year ago.
Luke is such a loving and thoughtful little person. In the van the other day I was telling the kids I was getting ready to sign them up for another little dance class at the community center. Last time Luke was very vocal about the fact that he did NOT want to do dance class. I try to let them make their own choices when they can, so he would either sit with me and watch Amelia's class or play with Henri at the park during class (Henri's sister Aven did the class with Amelia). So this time I asked him, "Luke, Aven and Amelia are going to do another dance class, would you like to join them this time?" And Luke's response was, "Well, Mom, I do want to do dance class this time but I don't want Henri to be sad if I'm not playing at the park with him and he is all alone." That comment was just so Luke. Always thinking of how things impact others. (Both Henri and Luke are now enrolled in the class too!)
Luke loves to swim. He prefers it to almost any other activities and often asks, "Is it Wednesday yet? Is it swimming day?" He is not very interested in arts and crafts -- while Amelia will sit and do art for a solid hour, Luke is usually wrapping up his project in 5 minutes flat. He much prefers imaginative play, being outside or reading books. It is just a joy to get to be his mama! What a sweet sweet age this is.
Always up for snuggle time. |
Curious. Always curious. |
Happy spring! |
First of many fishing trips to come this year :) |