My babies graduated from preschool today! Over the last three years what a gift it's been to have our family and our children learn in an environment that is rich in community and in love. These kids have been nurtured and cared for. School has been a place of curiosity and play and discovery for them. There have been hard parts too -- living life closely with other people means that there are things to be worked through. But what better chance to show our children grace and communication and what it authentically looks like to share life. They've gotten to have Teacher Donna for the last two years. What an incredible teacher -- you know the power of a solid teacher when you are a student. But you REALLY GET what a role they play when you're observing your children learn. We are thankful.
And since I've fallen of the blogging train! ... Now is my chance to catch up on the last few months! This blog is a sweet way to capture moments of our lives in a season of life where there isn't much chance to pause and reflect. So while my posts may be few and far between, I do want to keep it up so that the kids will someday be able to look back on it. (I'm only just beginning to understand the implications of raising children in the digital age. Oh man. I'm in over my head!) But for now ...
Meeting Emmy Grace Katherine. Love her so.
The girls! Amelia is blessed to have so many girl cousins so
close in age. I'm so happy for them all to get to grow up together.
Celebrating 10 years of marriage by making our knees sore! Hiking
in the Grand Canyon while Grammy and Gramps had the kids! It was
breathtaking, just like we remembered.
Family time in Arizona!
We love GG Edna!! |
Miss Amelia Jane is down a tooth! She is thrilled, Luke is jealous :)
Disneyland with Grammy and Gramps! What
a fun trip!
Luke negotiating with the Storm Troopers ...
...Amelia's NOT so sure!
We love Disney!
This girl absolutely loves animals.
Random day spent playing at the coast with my loves.
Five cousins in a stroller!
These guys are becoming quite the swimmers!
I'm impressed with how comfortable they are in the water and
how much they love it!
Mother's Day 2016!
Life is just better together :)