Amelia sleeps with her mouth open (like her Aunt Michala!) |
Amelia having sweet dreams |
Sweet Baby Luke |
Luke's outfit says, "Good Things Come in Two's" -- We agree! |
The babies have made amazing progress in the last few days. We are so thankful! Both Luke and Emme no longer need CPAP (support for their lungs) which means we can actually see their sweet faces without all their gear on. Tonight they'll both get their IVs out because they're tolerating milk really well in their feeding tubes. They've also outgrown their need for the bilirubin lights. They now officially qualify as "feeders and growers" the name the NICU nurses use for babies that are in the NICU only because they need to learn how to eat and need to put on weight. We've been amazed at the progress they're making.
Now that they're more stable we're able to do something called "kangaroo care" which means that we get to hold the babies skin-to-skin. They put Scott and I in reclining chairs and surround our area with screens so that we can hold them skin-to-skin. It's important for the babies to bond to us and it's AMAZING therapy for the parents too :) There is nothing in the world like holding your newborn on your chest. The hour or two that we get to hold them every day is such precious time. It overwhelms me with thankfulness. I am so blessed by these two babies and by Scott, who has selflessly put all three of us above himself over the last 8 months. He is already a great dad! I'm overwhelmed by God's grace which has allowed us to become Luke and Emme's parents. They are truly gifts of grace to us.
Last night was my first night at home in 57 days (OUR first night at home since Scott spent every single night at the hospital with me). I have such an appreciation for little things ... soft sheets, the smell of coffee in the morning, getting to take showers longer than 5 minutes (and not have to sit on a shower chair!), sleeping next to Scott (Haha! I told him I always felt at the hospital like we were at summer camp! He'd be across the room on his cot with his sleeping bag and I'm calling out to him, "Good night honey!") Scott's parents are here with us and they worked on so many neat projects while I was in the hospital, getting the place ready for the babies. My parents filled our fridge with food before we came home (and my favorite coffee!) We have great families! Leaving the hospital was really hard. I cried the entire way home. There is something very unnatural about leaving your newborns behind when you go home. I know it's where they need to be but I will be so glad when we're all four home. At the rate they're improving at right now I'm hoping they'll only need to be there about a month. We'll see, I know how things have real ups and downs in the hospital and they may need to go back on CPAP. But I'm hoping for the best!
Oh my goodness, Katers! They look just like you and Scott! I think when they fill out they'll look more like little chubby babies and only later we'll again see the stark resemblance, but now, with just their features (like face shape, etc) showing, they are true Coyle's!! :) So sweet.
ReplyDeletewe've never met, but i have prayed for you, cried for you and walked this journey with you from a distance. i heard updates from my mom, on how you were doing. i didn't know it was the morning of your c-section, but i couldn't get you off my mind. i was in the middle of homeschooling, stopped and called my mom for an update on you and the babies. crazy thing was it was 10:30 your time...right when you were going in to give birth.
i cried and cried that day. i know as mothers we say we 'give life' to our children. but it feels so different for you. you sacrificed so much. you FOUGHT for them. day after day. week after week. you knew each day you fought was one more day of life for them.
it brings me to tears even now to think about.
like i said, i don't really know you - we've never met - but i can say that i rejoice with you at the life of these two. and for what it's worth, i think the world of you and scott.
much love and many, many blessing to your family.
ReplyDeletei just wrote a longy and then something happened and it went away... ah technology...
the gist of it was this: you are an inspiring gift to the world! the way you have fought so hard for the breath and the living of your children is incredible and humbling. God's love and light are so clear and evident in you, as i have always seen since we have known each other. i am so glad i know you, and so glad you have opened up this journey and shared your beauty with me. i love you and i adore emme and lukey. your family is so so blessed.
@T: Miss you! So glad you guys will be here in June to meet the babies. And yes, they DO look just like Scott and I, it's so fun to try and figure out which one of our noses they have and eyes and hair, etc. etc. Love you.
ReplyDelete@Natalie: First, I'd love to meet you next time you're in Portland! I love hearing stories and updates on the kids from your mom. Thank you, thank you for praying for us and carrying our family and story in your heart. It gave me goosebumps to read about your praying for us Friday morning. Already my time in the hospital is fading from my mind. The babies are worth every hour spent in bed and so many more!!
@Tracy -- Why couldn't you live in Portland? I would love to hang out with you and David and Josiah. Want to consider a move? :) Doesn't it seem like we were roomies last year? And now we're mamas? Amazing! Love you girl.