We've had unusually warm weather the last few days -- a great Mother's Day gift. Scott asked me what I wanted for Mother's Day and I told him that I wanted a fun family day. We headed to church this morning and after naps we went downtown to Jamison Square and let the kids play in the fountains. They absolutely loved it. These two are water babies for sure. After a rough week (we all got taken out my the stomach flu, ugh. I always wondered how do parents take care of their kids when they're really really sick? The answer: Not very well! We were quite a sight, Scott and I laying on the living room floor, monitoring play time while we took turns throwing up ... ha! Well, funny now that it's been a week!) Scott also hurt his back at work so we've been laying pretty low (the kids require so much lifting still that it's hard to try to "rest" your back) but my arms will get extra strong I guess! So a day in the water and sunshine was just what we needed.
Mother's Day always overwhelms me with thankfulness for the blessing that it is to get to be called "Mamamama" by Luke and Amelia. The love I have for them is deeper and more powerful than I ever could have imagined. Becoming a mother also has made me so much more thankful for my own mom ... I may have thought I'd outgrown some aspects of needing her .... I was wrong. So many days in the hospital I only wanted Scott and my mom with me. I was too scared, uncomfortable and overwhelmed to be with anyone else. But with them I could just be. Thanks mom, for holding my hand even though I was almost 30 years old! Thanks for showing up at 5am when the babies were little because you knew I probably hadn't slept much and might need to go to bed. Thanks for mothering me still even though I'm a mom now too. Mothering is a powerful thing.
"Don't worry guys, I got it!" |
Yep, fully clothed and loving some pool time. |
Jamison Square! |
They couldn't get enough |
A belated Happy Mother's Day to you, Katie! Fun pics, sounds like a great day. Beautiful words--amazing how moms know just what we need, no matter at what age.