We took a whirlwind trip to Idaho over the holiday weekend and we all had a blast seeing both Scott and my sides of the family. I love how much joy and excitement kids add to family celebrations and reunions. The kids had fun in the pool, loved the BBQs, fireworks and family time.
This summer feels like it's flying by, mainly because it's meant a big career change for me -- I've been an inpatient nurse since I graduated from nursing school 8 years ago. Last month I started working at a pediatric clinic and have been working full time while I orient -- the balance of childcare and career is a delicate balance that is tricky to navigate. I am so very thankful for a career that is so flexible around family life. I've been processing my career choice this month and thinking about how often I get asked about how I feel about being a nurse and my answer is: there is absolutely nothing else I'd rather do. It is the nitty gritty of life. It is the privilege of getting to enter into peoples' lives in times of great stress and uncertainty and to walk with them through that. It is providing practical help in times of need. It has changed me in the deep places of my soul. When I graduated from school, like many young and altruistic people, I wanted to be a nurse "to help people". I had no idea how profoundly my patients would impact and change me. I have learned more than I ever could have taught. I have cried with mamas who are saying goodbye to their children. I have seen children be so dang resilient it is truly amazing. I have seen families be brave in the midst of so many unknowns. I have seen whole communities come together around one family and carry them through. I have seen parents selflessly and courageously care for children who may never be able to care for themselves. I have learned to listen more than I speak. I have been changed.
Nursing and mothering share so many similarities. This year Mother's Day and Nurse Appreciation Week fell on the same week and I though that was so appropriate. As both a nurse and a mom, so much of what you do is busy and mundane work -- kids need to be fed (again), patients need to be changed (again), meds need to be passed (already?!), laundry and dishes and cleaning are waiting (forever) ... but yet you turn around and realize that all of those ways of serving your children and patients have created space for beautiful and profound moments. In the midst of our tasks, there is a vulnerability that occurs and relationships are being nurtured and grown in deep ways. The two cannot be separated -- the physical and the spiritual.
Enough of my processing my career change. I'm thankful and excited for this new way to pursue nursing. Thankful for a wonderful husband, parents, in-laws and babysitter who have all helped make this change possible. Thankful that I more intentionally enjoy the time I do have with my kiddos. Thankful that I'll be back to part-time soon :)
Just hanging out! |
Sweet Caroline Jane! |
Photo booth fun :) |
Slip-and-slide! |
These two! Hilarious! |
Grammy and Gramps! |
Love the 3 year-old hands next to the 92 year-old hands. |
My beautiful nieces |
My dad, "Couldn't you at least teach her to drink good beer?!"
She was teething on a cold (unopened :)) can. Too funny to not snap a picture! |
Together again! |
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