Amelia is a beautifully dynamic girl. A friend used the word "tenacious" to describe her recently and I had never thought to use that word but it fits well. I looked it up on Webster: "strong or firm; determined." That is my Amelia Jane. When she has her mind set on a project I love that about her -- that focus and drive will serve her well. I've realized in the last four years how much I need to be a student of my particular children. How my role is to help them channel their gifts, not to decide what they are, but to recognize them and help facilitate their development. So I've prayed for eyes and a heart to SEE them -- really see them for who they were made to be ... for wisdom to know when to step in to help guide them and when to just let them be. For ways to connect with them in the ways that they will understand love best.
Amelia loves to move. That girl is always on the go. She is fast and she is strong and she is coordinated. Her first question on the way to school is always, "Is it gym day today?" because she knows that Wednesdays their preschool gets to use the church gym. We went for a family hike last weekend and brought the ergo just in case but Amelia hiked over 3 miles! We started the kids in swim lessons when they turned four and they really love it. They often ask, "Is it Monday yet?" Amelia has become very interested in time and routines. She likes for me to talk through the days of the week with her ... "Monday is a school day, Tuesday is the day mommy works, Wednesday is a school day ..." etc. She likes patterns and routines and knowing what is coming. She is a kid who does well with having a heads up about what will be happening during the day so she can be prepared.
She loves music -- often requesting that songs be turned on for "dance parties." Dress-up is a very favorite activity at this phase so she often comes out of her room after quiet time dressed in every single item (or so it seems at least) from her dress-up bin. Amelia loves art -- she loves to paint, draw, decorate anything and everything with stickers. Her favorite color is pink. She loves anything sweet. Anything. She really is a great eater though -- the only thing I've come across that she won't touch is brussel sprouts. Fair enough. She is a big four year old! I lost the paper from her well child check that had her height and weight on it (because things literally vanish around here with two "helpers") but her percentiles for both were 95-99%.
For the last six months or so Amelia has been in a mama phase. As babies Luke was the one who was more attached to me so this has been a very special time for me to bond with Amelia. It almost hurts my heart sometimes just how much she wants to be with me. Because I know it won't always be the case and I'm trying to soak it up. When the twins were babies it was very important to me that bedtime was quick and efficient. It had to be because one of us was often alone during bedtime and when you're outnumbered you don't have long drawn out routines. You do what works. But now I treasure bedtime. We all have family snuggle/book time on the couch and then Scott tucks Luke in and I tuck Amelia in. We sing our same six songs and have a back rub and then she always asks the same question: "Mama, will you stay for much longer?" And as often as humanly possible my answer is, "Yes, baby, yes, I'll stay for much longer."
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Dress-up with Caroline! |
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Sleeping on mama after her four year vaccines |
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Always her best self when she is outside and playing hard! |
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