Luke and Amelia turned FIVE today and my heart can hardly believe it. Five feels big. They will be starting kindergarten this year. They just starting swimming on their own. They are right on the verge of reading. They feel like big kids. They are so capable and feel so old and I just love being their mama. Most days at least :)
We had donuts with candles in them for breakfast. My parents stopped by on their way to work to sing to the kids. We spent the morning at various appointments and errands but then got to spend the whole afternoon on a "family hike" at Mt. Tabor. It was lovely. There are so many things I want to write down to make sure I don't forget about this phase ...
Amelia ... There are so many things I want to remember about you right now! You are such an energetic kid. You love playing chase and tag and anything physical. You are FAST. Like crazy fast. If you decide to be an athlete, you will be incredible. You are coordinated and determined and tough.
Your favorite time at school is gym time! You love art. Your eye for color and patterns is amazing. You help me see the world in a whole new way: through your lens. I notice things I never would have seen because I get to be your mama. I was missing so much! Thank you.
Your brother and your cousin Caroline are the people you enjoying playing with the most. You and I are getting ready to go on a "girl trip" to Idaho to meet Emmy Grace and you are so excited that you already have your bag packed even though we don't leave for a week. You love anything sweet (chocolate especially). Your favorite books are the "Elephant and Piggie" books, "Clifford" and "Bernstein Bears." You love "Frozen" and pretty much any show that we will let you watch :) You love pink. You will always choose to wear the pink clothes if you're given the choice. You are my amazing sleeper. You sleep 11-12 straight hours every.single.night. That is a gift to us and we are thankful! You told me today that when you grow up you want to have twins too ... "Mama, I want to have a girl baby and a boy baby in my tummy at the same time too! The girl will be named Ribbon and the boy will be Superman!" Your dad and I got a good laugh from that one. Dad says those babies will fit right in in Portland with names like that!
Luke ... You are one of the most thoughtful people I have ever known. I don't know many just-turned-five-year-olds who ask their moms things, "Mom, how did you sleep last night? Did you sleep good? Did you have any good dreams?" ... You are inquisitive and ask incredible questions and show concern for people in ways that are well beyond your years. You love deeply and I learn so much from watching you. You understand life through words and through story. You can repeat stories with incredible memory and want to be told stories all the time. You love books and words and I'm so curious to see what you will do with that during your lifetime. You love super heros and Star Wars. You love to swim. You.are.always.hungry. I bake because of you :) In a good way! You often come out of your room in the morning and after quiet time and say ... "Ummm, mama. Do we have any muffins or cookies or anything else yummy?" You are an amazingly good eater. I can't think of a single food you won't eat. You are my early-to-bed-early-to-rise kiddo. You're usually asking to go to bed by 6pm and then up very early. I fought this for years ("You WILL be on the same schedule as your sister!") but have come to enjoy my morning Lukey snuggles. You told me this morning "Mom, I know you and sissy are night owls but me and daddy, we're just morning people!" Ha! I don't know who told you that but it's very true.
Luke and Amelia ... You are loved beyond measure ...
Christmas 2015! |
PJ and cocoa party at preschool |
Love these Christmas babies! Eden and Evelyn :) |
Christmas Day! |
Zoo lights! |
Emmy Grace Katherine Hally :) |
Amma with grandbaby #6 |
Snow day!!! Girlfriends get crazy! |
Dang these babies love snow :) |
Hold on tight! |
Only in Portland do we get so excited about a few inches of snow! |
Birthday buddies! ... The big five year olds! |
Ribbon and Superman :). Scott is so right!!! :D