Yesterday my babies turned EIGHT months old! It's hard to believe now that they were preemies. When I work with newborns at work it's pretty amazing to think that at one point Luke and Amelia were about half the size of a normal newborn. Now I get to kiss their beautiful big cheeks! They are thriving and we are so thankful. Amelia is such an active girl. We call her our "river dancer" because her feet are usually going a million miles a minute. She's going to keep me busy once she's on the move! Luke continues to be Mr. Mellow -- he is such a chill baby. He is full of smiles and giggles. He isn't totally sure what he thinks about solid foods yet, it depends on the meal. Sometimes he'll eat full portions and other times a few bites is all I can convince him to take. Amelia is usually happy to eat her meal and her brother's too! That girl loves to eat :) Their diet so far consists of mostly lots of fruits and veggies. I do my best to get them local and fresh food (nothing better than squash from Grandma's garden or berries that we picked!) but I definitely go through quite a few jars of food.
We're enjoying the last bit of summer. It's been hot here the last week or so and the babes have loved spending time in the yard and the pool. Tomorrow we're taking them to the coast for the first time -- it'll be fun to see them playing in the sand. Scott's family is here through the weekend and they have blessed us greatly over the last few weeks with their time, presence and gifts. We call Marsha the babies personal shopper :) She loves to keep them clothed in the cutest outfits!
Scott and I can hardly remember life before the babies ... it feels like a distant memory. We both agree that we've gotten into the rhythm of life with young children. It definitely took a number of months to feel "adjusted" (whatever that means). There have been times that we've said to each other, "This is harder than I could have ever imagined" (usually when we're living on way too little sleep) but far more often what we say to one another is, "Can you believe how great these two are?" Parenting is a crazy mix of responsibility, joy, work, prayer and an incredible amount of love.
Lunch time! |
These two are water babies! |
Handsome Luke :) |
Keeping Grammie and GG busy! |
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