Friday, September 30, 2011

Ready for some good laughs?!

Okay, so maybe this won't seem so funny unless you've been asked all of these questions dozens of times ... but Scott and I got a good laugh out of this video that I found on a friend's blog (she also has twins, of course!)  Honestly, I don't mind when people approach us in public to ask questions about the babies -- I've ended up having some good conversations and the babes are so cute I could always talk about them :)  However, we have had some awkward moments when people (whom we've known for all of 5 seconds) ask us things like, "So, are they natural?" in the grocery line.  Ummm, there is no good answer to that question and I don't think you want me to get into all the details here at Safeway!  Anyway -- hope you all enjoy this!

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