Sunday, March 20, 2011

Grandparents are the best!

Well, I started this post over a week ago and am just now going to finish it ... this is life with new twins! :)  Last week we said goodbye to Scott's parents and Grandma Edna.  When they came up to help take care of us and our house while I was on bed rest ... I'm not sure they knew what they were signing up for!  But they selflessly helped us through some pretty crazy months.  They gave up months of Arizona sunshine for Oregon rain ... they must really love us!  We miss them and so appreciated their help.
We're settling into a routine with the babies.  They eat every three hours and when I'm by myself it takes me almost two to get them diapered and fed (thankfully they're starting to get more coordinated so hopefully this will speed up the process a bit in the near future) and pump.  With my one precious hour before the next feeding starts I usually try to get some sleep ... when I'm feeling especially energetic (or have had enough coffee) I try to tackle the never ending dishes and laundry.  Bed rest taught me a lot about letting go ... twins are teaching me even more!  Thankfully my parents live nearby and love to swing by to hold babies :)  Grandparents are the best! The sleep deprivation has definitely been the most difficult part of our transition to parenthood but I remind myself often that this is such a short season.  The babies are already ten weeks old.  And honestly, no matter how tired I am, I still feel so much better than I did all those weeks on magnesium.  The power of perspective!  This is the fun part ... with two very precious little ones who make it very worth the sleepless nights.  I think often of the verses in Ecclesiastes that speak about how there is a time for every season in life.  There are definitely difficult parts of this season, but it's such a sweet time ... "He has made everything beautiful in it's time" (3:11).
The babies are starting to have more periods of alertness and it's so fun to start getting to know their personalities.  Amelia is a very alert and energetic baby.  She is constantly moving!  We're always laughing at her hand gestures and facial expressions.  She often seems to be thinking, "Why sleep?!  Life is too exciting!"  Luke loves to sleep!  I can't tell yet if it's because of a mellow personality or because he's growing too quickly to have energy left for anything else.  He's putting on almost a pound a week and is about to grow out of his newborn clothes.  He would like to be held 100% of the time (if only I had enough arms ... thankfully I do have a moby wrap which is a good substitute) and loves it when we sing to him.  Well, my hour is almost up ... I'll post more pictures very soon!

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