Saturday, December 18, 2010

29 weeks! ... and counting ...

Yesterday we hit the 29 week mark!  When this all started at 21 weeks, 29 felt sometimes like an impossible goal.  But here we are!  And very thankful to be here.  It was a crazy week, I was pretty sure we'd meet Luke and Amelia ... but they've decided it's much more comfortable to stay where they're at for now.  Good choice!  I'm very hesitant during this pregnancy to use the word "stable" ... but for the moment things seems to be quiet.  I'm back on the magnesium and will probably try to stay on it until 32 weeks if the babies will be that patient.  It's overwhelming to think of three more weeks of this ... but every day that I'm here is one less day that the babes will have to spend in the NICU.  That is the best motivation there is! We are having ultrasounds done three times a week now to check the cords and amniotic fluid levels on both babies, but especially Luke.  His fluid level continues to drop but very slowly.  We will check their weight/growth again on 12.27.  Thank you for your continued support and love.  Scott and I appreciate you all!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Katie I have been thinking about at least once a day!!! What a blessing to be at 29 weeks. My cousin was born at 30 weeks (3 lbs!) and is now an absolutely perfect 5 year old. Will continue praying for at least another 3 weeks, that you're able to somewhat tolerate the magnesium, and that Luke's fluid levels remain high enough to sustain another 3+ weeks. Blessings!
