Saturday, June 23, 2012

Whew ... what a week!

One of the things I love about kids around is that they keep life real and simple and (usually) fun.  Okay, so maybe that's three things.  Not simple in the sense that you can run out of the house with just your purse, but simple in the sense that they just want to be loved and to feel secure.  They want us to laugh with them and play with them and be present with them.  I got this video in the midst of a crazy week and watching it reminds me of that.  This week Scott had a cardiac procedure done -- an ablation to those of you who are medical -- he's had issues with an irregular heart rhythm since I was pregnant with the babes.  Thankfully all went as planned, just an overnight stay at the hospital and now hopefully a chance for a cure so that he doesn't have to be on meds and have random trips to the ER to shock him back into a regular rhythm.  Any time we deal with health issues I feel like it leads to times of reflection and prayer and tonight I'm thankful ... for our health and for our families (Grammy and Gramps and GG Edna deserve a dinner out, among other things, for all of their help this week!) and for the many prayers that were answered this week.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Didn't know about Scott's heart. Glad to hear the surgery went well and I hope this is the last of that! Love you guys. The kids are ADORABLE!!
