Sunday, February 6, 2011

The sweetest gifts!

It's amazing to me how much life has changed in the last year.  I spent my last birthday in Cambodia with a medical team from our church ... this year I spent it snuggling our two sweet new babies.  I've never had a year that has been so difficult or so beautiful.  Pretty amazing to me the journey that God has taken us on and I'm so thankful that I get to start this new year as a mom to Luke and Amelia.
The babies are doing so well!  They don't have feeding tubes anymore and are taking all of their bottles.  Premature babies often have drops in their heart rates and they have to go 5 days with none of those episodes and then they'll be able to come home.   Right now it's looking like Friday will be the day, they'll be 37 weeks old!  But I think I won't believe it's actually "the day" until they're in their car seats and we're walking out the door.  "The day" has changed about five times already ... once again, learning patience!  Something that I'm sure I'll need lots of to be a parent to these two!

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