Thursday, January 27, 2011

Feeding and Growing!

Luke and Amelia have spent the last week doing exactly what they should be doing ... eating and growing.  Tonight Luke weighs 4lbs, 12oz and Amelia is 4lbs, 4oz.  They look huge to us!  It's amazing how on such tiny bodies, a few ounces really does make a big difference.  Amelia is taking full bottles now, she just needs to gain the stamina to take every feeding and she will be ready to come home!  Luke is taking his time ... he gives me the sweetest looks at feeding times and I can just imagine him saying, "But why, Mama?  Why don't you just feed me through the tube and we could just snuggle instead?"  He loves to be snuggled!  It's hard to make estimates but the doctor said today that it's realistic that they could be home in another week or two.  We're getting the nursery all ready and are so excited to have two babies home with us.  The hardest part of the last week for me has just been fatigue.  The combination of recovering from bed rest and the c-section, pumping around the clock and frequent trips to the NICU have left me pretty wiped out.  But my stamina is slowly coming back.  I know that once the babies are home we'll experience a whole new level of exhaustion!  Every phase has it's own joys and challenges ... but what a sweet phase this is in so many ways ... we're already realizing just how quickly they grow and change and want to enjoy and soak up every day!


  1. this is such great news! one or two weeks??? they are fighters...just like their mama. praying strength for all of you.

  2. Katie: My family has been following your posts and have been praying for you lots and lots. You guys have really been on my mind through all of this. The babies are beautiful and I am SO THANKFUL they are doing so well! I will keep praying for them and you and Scott of course! You are awesome, girl. I am proud of you!

  3. @natalie -- thank you so much for your prayers. I just checked out your blog and your kids are just beautiful!!
    @bethany -- so funny, I was just thinking about you today and how much I miss seeing you at work. thank you for your encouragement. only a few months until gary is done with school, yeah? you guys are so close!!

  4. Yay for Luke & Emme! Can't wait to see them and I'm excited to see pics of the nursery when it's all ready for their homecoming. So exciting! Love to you all.
