Luke and Amelia turned nine months old this weekend and we spent the day with their cousin Caroline and Auntie Michala, Uncle Joe and Grandmama at the pumpkin patch! To be totally honest, Amelia had been teething for several days so Scott and I were quite weary from sleep deprivation (these top two have just caused so much pain, much more so than the bottom 4 she has), but despite the fatigue, it was a fun day. It's hard not to enjoy the pumpkin patch ... autumn at it's best! Corn mazes, apple cider, hayrides, pumpkins, crisp air, kids having fun ... And Luke and Amelia are so curious and interested these days that they love outings like this one. Caroline too was taking in all the excitement. What a doll she is! The first several visits with Miss Caroline she was quite colicky (poor thing, and poor parents) but this trip we really got to enjoy her -- she was full of giggles and personality. Plus we had to dress the kids in their costumes for a few pictures before they headed back to Boise ...
"Let me tell you a secret sister, next year we'll get candy!" |
Amelia: "Who's great idea was this?! I wanted to be a monkey, not a ladybug!" |
This boy LOVES to smile and laugh! |
Enough said! |
Who doesn't love a ride on the cow-barrel tractor?! |
My amazing mama, not sure what I would have done without her help this year! |
The family |
Nine months old ... definitely time for a ponytail! |
"Look mama, six teeth!" |
absolutely adorable! I need to come see them again before they turn 1! :)